Our AGM is on Tuesday May 17th at 6.30 pm at The Fountainhead pub, 102 North Rd, Brighton, BN1 1YE Location: http://bit.ly/1Qknarb
There will be reports and a short formal meeting to elect officers, currently:
Membership secretary Tony Green
Treasurer Tony Green
Secretary Adam Pride
Campaigns officer Becky Reynolds
News editor Becky Reynolds
Web Manager Vacant
Infrastructure Adviser Duncan Codd
…and there will be time for a chat and a drink.
Blazing Saddles Show on World Car Free Day 22 September
Blazing Saddles is a unique outdoor performance telling the little known story of the moment bicycles first became widely available and women transformed their clothing to be able to ride.
You can take part in the show, a visual narrative which uses movement, character and humour, clowning, costume and cake to tell the story of a group of women caught up in the excitement and possibility of travel, freedom and independence.