URGENT! Please lobby the Councillors on the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee as soon as possible (and it must be before their meeting on 4 March 2014 at 4 pm.) Ask them to support the recommendations in the “Brighton and Hove 20 mph phase 2” report, and particularly to support 20 mph speed limits on Preston Drove, Stanford Ave. and Surrenden Rd. The members are:
gill.mitchell@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk (L)
alan.robins@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk (L)
emma.daniel@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk (L)
geoffrey.theobald@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk (C)
tony.janio@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk (C)
graham.cox@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk (C)
ian.davey@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk (G)
christopher.hawtree@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk (G)
ollie.sykes@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk (G)
pete.west@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk (G) (Chair)
The background to this is that Preston Drove, Stanford Avenue and Surrenden Road were removed from the 20 mph speed limit process at the last minute in December 2013 by Labour and Conservative councillors voting together. But these streets are main routes to schools. Most road deaths and serious injuries occur on roads with 30 mph limits so these are the important roads to improve! Preston Drove and Stanford Avenue are not key bus routes. Fast roads discourage cycling and walking. A petition of 742 signatures in support of 20 mph on those roads is being referred to this Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee. In addition a deputation is being made. The roads are now back on the agenda! We can achieve 20 mph limits here and elsewhere if the councillors support the 20 mph recommendations! Please email them using the addresses above.
For further detailed council information: The 20 mph report starts on page 217 in the “Public reports pack” on the council website The deputation is on page 43. The petition is mentioned on page 45.
Blazing Saddles Show on World Car Free Day 22 September
Blazing Saddles is a unique outdoor performance telling the little known story of the moment bicycles first became widely available and women transformed their clothing to be able to ride.
You can take part in the show, a visual narrative which uses movement, character and humour, clowning, costume and cake to tell the story of a group of women caught up in the excitement and possibility of travel, freedom and independence.