Volunteers are needed to help with collecting signatures for the Royal Sussex County Hospital petition, which is calling for the hospital trust to invest in walking, cycling and public transport to balance their £10 million investment in a new car park and to try and minimise the amount of additional car journeys this will generate.
Volunteers are needed to help collect signatures outside the hospital at
the bus stops plus anywhere else nearby where people congregate,
possibly between 12 – 2pm and 4 – 6pm over the next couple of weeks when
it is good weather.
Please email BHFOE@yahoogroups.com if you can help, stating on which day
and when and attempts will be made to make sure there are at least 2
people collecting at the same time.
For anyone who hasn’t signed the petition already, please sign online
or you can use the link from the BHFOE website where
you can also download fliers and paper petitions.