A verdict has been delivered at the court case regarding the death of
experienced Worthing cyclist Keith Harmer on the A24 near Storrington
on October 30, 2007.
The lorry driver accused of killing Mr Harmer said he believed he had safely manoeuvred past the cycle and was unaware he had hit Mr Harmer. A police investigation concluded otherwise and stated that the lorry, which was travelling at about 50mph, had been involved in a collision with the bicycle and that police at the scene had found the HGV was damaged, with broken pieces of plastic from the lorry’s indicator cover and a front deflector panel in the road.
The lorry driver, who it also transpired had been convicted for using a mobile phone while driving just one month later (November 2007), was cleared of causing death by dangerous driving, fined £200 and banned from driving for one year.
Blazing Saddles Show on World Car Free Day 22 September
Blazing Saddles is a unique outdoor performance telling the little known story of the moment bicycles first became widely available and women transformed their clothing to be able to ride.
You can take part in the show, a visual narrative which uses movement, character and humour, clowning, costume and cake to tell the story of a group of women caught up in the excitement and possibility of travel, freedom and independence.